Mr. Mohamed KHONJI is from the Kingdom of Bahrain. He joined Bahrain Civil Aviation Affairs (CAA) and worked in Air Traffic Services (ATS) since 1970, was a fully licensed Air Traffic Controller in all Air Traffic Services (ATS) positions. He has experience in planning, implementation and coordination in various fields of Air Navigation and matters related to Civil Aviation; he was part of the CNS/ATM project team in the Bahrain CAA.
Having good technical/aviation background, he attended many management courses ,gained knowledge and experience in management. Mr. Khonji has a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA).
In November 1994, was elected as the First Chairperson of Middle East Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group known as MIDANPIRG, and served the Group until joining ICAO on 5 May 1998 as the Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East Region in ICAO Regional Office in Cairo, Egypt.
On 1st January 2005, Mr. Khonji was appointed the Regional Director for the ICAO Middle East Office a post that he is serving until this date.
Finally, Mr. Khonji has a vision and a challenge that he is determined to accomplish as the ICAO Regional Director for the Middle East Region; and that is “to see the Middle East Region in the forefront in Safety, Air Navigation, Security and Sustainable development of Civil Aviation”.